Thursday, December 17, 2009

What treatment works the best on acne?

I want to try proactive, but I have heard as much bad as good|||Proactiv%26#039;s regimen consists of three steps, a cleanser, a toner, and a lotion. (see鈥?/a> )

The cleanser and lotion contain benzoyl peroxide. The toner%26#039;s active ingredient is glycolic acid. This regimen is considered effective, but this brand is considered upper scale (expensive). Alternate ways to accomplish this combination are discussed at鈥?/a>

The worst thing you can say about Proactiv is that it is expensive and it is not guaranteed to work. It%26#039;s not considered dangerous. But it%26#039;s probably as good as anything else available without a prescription.

Accutane is the most powerful therapy for acne and thus works best, but it causes birth defects in the fetuses of pregnant patients and is thus restricted in use and not appropriate for most young women.

Ryan is correct about minocycline (鈥?/a> ) being a good choice. It is a generic drug and fairly inexpensive. Antibiotics, both those taken orally and those applied topically are reasonably effective, but they are generally by prescription and require a doctor visit.|||Well i just moved to a very dry state and my face got so dry and i started to put a ton of lotion on, it hurt bad and then i broke out soooo bad and that hurt too. so after 3 different lotions and so many face washes nothing worked. i bought proactive (you can get an off brand at Costco too) I%26#039;m in my second week and my face is not dry and no acne. the one at Costco is the same thing just Costco%26#039;s brand it just as good you should try it!|||Noxzema works wonders! And African Black Soap works the best!|||proactive doesn%26#039;t work for me its a waste of money, DONT BUY IT for me the clean and clear works, and i dont even use the whole set, i just baught the small tube seperately and it works like magic for me|||ha ha im gonna have to say PRO AVTIVE

umm my firend as BAD acne

and she ordered proactive

and its all gone.

like oyu said it may work or not.

but mine as well try|||go to the doctor and ask for a pill.. It will work the best minocycline is what i use. Not sure if the spelling is right or not but your doctor will know what you are talking about. It costs about $10 a month.|||it depends on the person

There is benzoil peroxide

salicytic acid


mud masks (like Queen Helen%26#039;es mint julep)

facial cleansers

a new heat device taht costs about-i think called Xeno

These ingredients ar ein amny otc products-proactive uses them-the difference is on how they are used-especially they way the cream mazimizes the effect of the acne ingredient-but is is till a lot more hype than miracle cure-but it may work for you-just as any product may work for some and not otehrs

there are also prescriptions-inlcuding antibiotics|||It all depends on YOUR skin. You just have to search arond and see wat works best and dont be afraid to take risks|||For thousands of years, humans have been using herbal remedies to treat all kinds of skin disorders. Herbal acne treatment is also covered and should be read after exploring the best acne treatment section. Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne

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