Saturday, December 26, 2009

What are good effective acne treatments that can be bought cheap?

Im 14, so my skin still breaks out quire often.

What is a good and effective treatment that can be bought at most supermarkets, walmart, k-mart, etc. Im willing to try anything. I have already tried poractive and wexler, neither worked.

I have dry skin.

Suggestions please.

Thanks.|||Hydrogen Peroxide 3% or 6% the one you use to treat cuts/wonds make sure it all over the affected area so the bactira is killed before it spreads

Read Reviews here鈥?/a>

It clears up acne in about 2 hours! personal experince :) its reallly cheap and affective |||Sadly if you tried proactiv and had little success I%26#039;d suggest clean and clear ? I think it can be bought for under $20

Otherwise if you don%26#039;t promise to do the wash, toner and spot treat acne twice a day nothing may work but a trip to the dermatologist.

Also try using stridex type pads after school -

or before you start your day after washing your face.|||I know it is kinda embarassing, but just go to the dermatologist.

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