Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Laser Acne Treatment...has anyone tried this? What are the side affects? can you have this done while pregnant

LAser acne treatment does it work and is it safe|||I use to work for a laser and and a electrolysis center and the answer is no...you cannot have the procedure done while you are pregnant because of hormonal inbalances.But the procedure itself with the clients that do come in have IMMEDIATE results as soon as they have it done because they come in a week later for a follow up (not another lasering but a check up) and the redness goes away (blemishes) and everything they feel more confident.I have never tried it myself because of the prices EEK! even as an employee I have small cases are acne scarring so i couldnt justify it.I hope this answers your question. YES IT DOES WORK GREATLY.

Safety: Yes before they do anything dramatic to your skin that do patch testing to see how sensitive your skin is and if you are will have an allergic reaction so they can see what the results would be like if you were to have the whole procedure.Most places do a free consultation I suggest you go in and they will tell you 100% accurate info instead of going on yahoo.Luckily I use to work in the center :)|||Don%26#039;t try it when you%26#039;re pregnant!|||im not sure but try roaccuatne it work for me :) hope ur skin clear up|||One of the latest treatments is laser for severe types of acne and operates by destroying the bacteria that cause acne. Lasers used in mild acne treatments like simple blackheads and whiteheads work on the serum producing glands to open up the follicle to release the serum trapped inside by heating the upper layer and reducing the size of the oil gland.


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