Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What acne treatment(s) works the best?

i have had acne for 4 years now and the people at school make fun of me about it. what can i do to help get rid of it? i wash my face at least 2-3 times a day using Velocity from mary kay. some things don%26#039;t work with my skin because i have very sensitive skin. what can i do to help get rid of my acne faster?|||Washing your face more than 2 a day is not good for you because the pH levels in your skin need to be balanced. i%26#039;m not sure of the best acne treatment, but right now i am using proactiv. it has worked pretty well for me, saw results in just a week %26amp; 4 days. Today is my 4th! But, i%26#039;ve heard acnefree is also the same product. it%26#039;s more convenient since you can purchase this product in stores. try working your way from low prices to higher prices on acne treatments. good luck! %26amp; if no treatment is helping you, refer to a dermatologist. i know how you feel though! you%26#039;re still a beautiful person %26amp; no acne is going to change that! good luck! :) |||i hear proactive works well... but wen u stop using it, u break out worse.|||There REALLY isn%26#039;t best treatment.

everyone is different,

and you just gotta try several products,

and find what%26#039;s best for you.|||o my gosh! don%26#039;t wash your face that much! that is probably the main reason you are breaking out, you are over washing you face causing it to produce even more oil making it clog more pores which lead to more pimples.

1. wash you face once a day (at night)

2. Take 1 shower a day( in the morning)

3. wash your face with a 3 step system

4. never touch your face unless your hands where JUST washed.

5. drink a lot of water.

6. keep out of the sun as much as possible.

7. keep your hair out of your face.

8. wash your pillow cases every other day.

9. eat more spinach and tomatoes.

it%26#039;s not just about washing your face its about getting rid of factors help your acne get worse and increasing things that are good for your skin.

i hope this helps. just some tips i have picked up over the years. i had acne pretty bad in 7th and 8th grade but its been years and my skin is pretty good, not flawless, but only one or two whiteheads every once in a while.|||

If you have an oily skin wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap.The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. If you have a dry skin honey is a great remedy for acne and pimples because the honey kills bacteria. If you have a combination skin when you wash your face, use sugar to scrub it, at least once a day, for two weeks to rid yourself of acne. More such solutions at

|||What is happening is that dirt is geting clogged in your pores (or your eating to much greasy food). A way i find good is to put you face over boiling water and lets the water get iinto your pores and remove the dirt when you sweat. Try this every chance you have. Its simple, cheap (really cheap) but effective.

You really wont have results if your eating MacDonalds by day and acne removal at night...|||Pro-Active!!! |||ahahahahahahaaaaaaaa

i useeeeee


i kno... weird brand, but it works good

iv been using it for 2 weeks, and my acnez a lot better|||Ahh... I used Clearasil Cleaning Pads. Those lowered my acne problems by a lot. The only disadvantage to that it can sting and well I don%26#039;t know if your skin can withstand it but otherwise I use that and I don%26#039;t get fully grown ones again. Hope it helps.|||pro-active or clean and clear :]|||St. Eves Apricot Scrub. It practically washes the pimples off. it can leave your face feeling rough so after the acne is gone, follow with coco butter face wash. |||An important thing to do is to educate yourself on what treatments are out there... I%26#039;ve heard great things about ZenMed and ClearPores for clearing up acne fairly quickly.

I found a site the other day that sourced unbiased reviews of both ZenMed and ClearPores here:鈥?/a>

Good luck.

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