Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is the best acne treatment that you have used?

got really bad acne and redness need something that can help it|||I use egg whites and lemon juice and it pretty, it`s chep and easy to find!

Just mix a few egg whites and fresh squeezed lemon juice and apply it as a mask in your entire face.

Lemons have vitamin C that makes skin glow and fights pimples. However, it stings like a b**ch for a few minutes.

This worked for me. My pimple scars lighten too! :)

Good luck! :)|||Well I went to a dermatologist and got Clenia and Ziana...

You could try|||my own sperm|||Lavender or tea tree oils. Use a high quality, pure essential oil.|||well i honestly have been suffering with acne since i was 14.. and now i am 28. its time to put an end to it.. i have never found anything that worked for me.. just friday i got started on accutane.. i know its scary and all the side effects... but it will clear you up.. have heard many many positive things about it.. and my husband used it ( he had very very bad acne ) abiut 15 years ago and till this day he is acne free!! i|||Roaccutane pills, with a prescription from the dermatologist.


PanOxyl gel. It%26#039;s basically benzoyl peroxide in a gel. You can get it from the pharmacy.

Acne cleared right up.

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