Saturday, December 26, 2009

What's the best acne treatment for your face?|||I found that Proactiv is the best system to get rid of acne. It worked for me.|||Proactiv can be quite expensive and really should be used for ppl who suffer from acne quite badly. If u do have bad achne maybe try it, but u can also try clearasil or ask your pharmacist for further advice. Soap and water is the classic treatment (and it is good for your skin)..wash twice a day...AND NEVER PICK! U can spread your pimples elsewhere and/or scar your face.|||P. Diddy uses Proactiv|||a very good wash. I like to use those loofah (not quite sure how to spell) sponges with a gentle soap and scrub my face and especially my forehead because its QUITE the problem area.

Keep your face clean and not so oily. wash with soap and water frequently. and try to keep your hair away from your face.

haha. I heard about all those home remedies with toothpaste and such. but... I dont trust it.

Just keep your face clean and clear and DONT POP YOUR PIMPLES! it just makes it worse...

and those expensive facial creames and lotions? I%26#039;m not sure how well they work. but i just consider them as fancy nice-smelling SOAP. and I personally think any old bar of soap, as long as it isnt too hard and harsh on your skin, is fine. I use Dove. its a pretty softyish soap.|||Honestly one of the best treatments is a very good cleanser and maybe an exfoliator. I%26#039;m not talking about anything you%26#039;ll find at wal-mart. You%26#039;ll spend a little money but it%26#039;s worth it. Also, if you do have bad acne, do not go to a dermatologist, go to an Estitition. They take care of skin with natural processes and do not use drugs. A pill is not going to rid you of acne, you need to get it from the surface.|||Vitamin A tablets in the proper dosage and plenty of water daily|||egg yolk not the white the yolk let sit for ten minutes for 15 days every night it will be gone no joke learned it in india

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