Saturday, December 26, 2009

How long does acne take to clear up? Is my treatment not working?

I%26#039;m 5 weeks into my treatment for acne which involves;

- Washing my face in the morning and night with AC Benzac Wash

- Taking 1 50mg minomycin tablet in the morning and 1 at night

- Applying differin at night.

The treatment of my acne was going okay until 3 days ago when I decided to eat Red Roosters 2 burgers and 1 large fries. Since then to be honest the acne has never been this worst in some areas. One side of my chin has cleared up but left so much pigmentation whereas the other side of my chin has so many pimples and its never been like that before. Now when i blow my face, I can see about 7 white bumps popping up along with bumps around my face. Could it be that the cleaning out process of previous pimples is still occuring or do you think that this is due to the fast food I ate 3 days ago? Its been 5 weeks so I don%26#039;t know what to do. The way I see it is that it won%26#039;t get any better and once all the other pimples have gotten out of my system, ill be left with pigmented skin|||Acne medication works by taking all the stuff thats under your skin and pushing it up to the surface to clear everything underneath. Its just a long anoyying process. Just give it some time and keep taking your medication. . You will see better results in a few weeks.|||use proactive i used it. it left my skin smooth and ance free u should try it!|||If your treatment was working and you were seeing improvements up until 3 days ago when you ate fast food then it is probably working. You are obviously under the care of a dermatologist, or at least a doctor. You need to voice the concerns you have on your next visit, or sooner if you don%26#039;t go back for a while. And until then cut the fast food from your diet.

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