Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dose anyone know what is the number 1 acne treatment and dose it help?

acne treatment|||Drink tons of water, don%26#039;t eat fried foods, exercise regularly, take fish oil pills, use neutrogena products twice a day. Whatever you do, don%26#039;t take antibiotics! They are horrible for your body (i learned that the hard way-- permanent damage to my body). If you are a girl, you can also try birth control pills. That is what I do, and it reallllly helps!|||yup its %26quot;proactive%26quot; google it aye its the number one thing out there and pretty cheap too hope it helps u as it did for me :)|||proactive and sure it helps!|||Proactive is a GREAT product. When you start using the products you see results very quickly. It is advertised on TV where it give information about ordering it. It can be purchased here locally at the mall. The price is not bad at all.

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