Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm using benzoyl perxoide as a treatment but i need a creamto help with my acne?

skin is combined. my acne is described as mild have only started using this gel treatment which cleanses the infected areas. what cream could i use now?|||i would be very careful with b.p or anything else...ive found every topical application to not work and only make things worse.I now believe acne come the inside and cannot be treated externally.Ive had success with antibotics and diet change.My acne is mild but at times I could get a whopper which then leaves a persistent red mark.Its definately for me related to smoking and alcohol both of which I cut down down on( but have%26#039;nt given up..gotta have a life!!)

Check this site for reviews and advice on using B.P its really the best site for acne on the internet and you%26#039;ll get much more and better advice than here..

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