Thursday, December 17, 2009

Does anyone know of an acne treatment that clears skin really fast?? urgent!!!!?

i need to know of an acne treatment that really works and it works fast. i dont have alot of acne its just occasional spots but the spots are really bad and they turn into liike full out huge4 spots on my face.. can someone help please.. only serious answers please|||Clinique acne treatment, has this treatment (on the spot treatment is what its called) where at night (which is the best time to treat acne) you put it on and the next day, the redness is going and the acne shrinks.

It may sting alittle, but it works wonders. clear face within 2 days.|||Ask your doctor for oxytetracycline. And I know this will sound strange, but try not washing your face with anything but water for three days or so. My acne clears right up when my natural skin oils build up. Sometimes we%26#039;re too rough on our skin - the more we scrub the more spots we get, yet the more spots appear the more we scrub! And so the vicious cycle has us spending a fortune on all sorts of miracle cures!|||Tea tree oil usually clears my face in about 3 days.|||clean and clear|||Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash. Wash once or twice a day with it, then use Neutrogena Oil Free Creme Cleanser once or twice a day as well. =]|||Get Clean%26amp;Clear Sensitive Skin.

It in a %26quot;pump Bottle%26quot; and kinda clear yellow.

Your skin will be clear if you only have spots in about two day but apply first thing in the morning and B4 you go to bed,even if you don%26#039;t have any pimples it just keeps them away.|||Clearasil works wonders|||use neutrogena microclear and drink at least 64 oz of water each day. after you cleanse your face, rinse it at least 10 times with water. you%26#039;ll see a positive result in 3 days.|||Proactive!|||b4 u go to bed put toothpaste on it. Works gr8|||Proactive works wonders.|||I bought this thing called advanced spot treatment from Clean %26amp; Clear at Target last Weds, and it actually works really good. Its about $5 for a small tube, but I saw definite results in the first day.|||proactive worked for me in about 3 days. A little less expensive but also something that works equally as good is the Neutrogena Advanced Solutions treatment (you can find it at any drug store for about $20).

If your budget is less than that try Clean and Clear morning burst (i use the one with lemon grass). it worked in about a week for me. it all depends on your skin type.|||You know what? If it%26#039;s just one spot now and again, try TOOTHPASTE! :) Just dab some on the spot and let it sit there overnight. It often gradually reduces the size of the pimple very quickly. Sometimes it doesn%26#039;t work but usually this is an ace acne treatment.|||GREEN TEA FACIAL MASSAGE



3) YOGURT ( any kind of yogurt)

GURANTEE it works!!

Would not recommend Proactiv if you have sensitive skin because it%26#039;ll make your skin have more pimples and your face will get puffy


i think it doesn%26#039;t work because i tried it and it stings really bad... and my face was red and started to get itchy.. just like proactiv.. except tea tree oil doesn%26#039;t have an active ingredient

i do not recommend it to you if you have sensitive skin|||clearasil acne clearing gel wash should help u. when i used it, my acne wuz already clearing up on the 1st day. :-)|||I used Proactiv and all my acne was one in less than 3 days!! But it depends on your skin!|||Try clean and clear maximum strength persa-gel 10. It cleared my acne within one day!|||Tea Tree Oil

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