Thursday, December 17, 2009

Acne treatment - Make sure im doing it right?

Okay. Just to make sure that I%26#039;m on the right track with caring for my face.

I don%26#039;t get pimples a lot. Maybe 2 times a month.

I use Nutragena Acne Stress prevention and also Nutragena blackhead scrub.

I use both of them every day and they seem to be working fine. I still get occasional breakouts if I forgot to scrub places. (Top of nose, temples, forehead)

Whenever I get a pimple i usually put milk on it to dry them out. Usually works for me. (2-3 days) My mom says that shes been doing it since her teen years and its worked for her even since.

But, the problem is. I have quite a few pimples on my forehead. People say that this is because of my long hair always covering my forehead. I always wash my forehead with acne prevention scrub, so I don%26#039;t know why its not working if the rest of my face is fine.


Do you think this skin-care treatment is good? What could I do to improve it or take away

%26amp; why am I still getting pimples on my forehead?|||Your skin can basically grow immune to the products you use. Try to switch it up.|||the secret to treating and preventing acne is a good diet. with all the refined junkfood your body has a hard time dealing with acne. the main reasons why acne forms and persists is because of hormonal, nutritional, and immune abnormalities in your body which can be stabilized with a diet rich in fruits%26amp;veges, water, essential nutrients, and NO junk or processed food or any sorts! remember that topical acne creams, products, etc. are just temporary fixes for an inside problem! i know thats not the quick easy answer you wanted to hear, but if you want results then you need to work hard|||the best is from avon.....its called avon clearskin. cleanse blackheads clearing cleanser,and then clarify,cleansing pads,and care,correct and fade peel its the best out there I sell a lot of it to the younger age.|||Maybe you%26#039;re touching your forehead a lot without knowing it. I learned to stop touching my face and it worked wonders for my skin.

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