Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Acne treatment for blackheads and zits and the redness cause by zits, the best cleanser to unclog pores?

i am so tired of my blackhead, is there any possible way to get rid of it FOREVER? how can i unclog and make the pores smaller? how can i get rid of the redness cause by pimples? damn i am so stressed-out right now!!!|||BURT%26#039;S BEES soap bark %26amp;%26amp; chamomile deep cream cleanser (available at target and ulta) is the best! It reduces inflammation, tightens pores, and increases cell renewel (massage cleansers onto face, it helps increase blood flow). Mederma is a really good scar and redness treatment left by acne, you can get it at target, walmart, or walgreens. Putting green tea bags on your face help too. Also, drink lots of water, and try buying some acai (a brazilian berry) juices, such as bossa nova, you can get it at Whole Foods.Salicylic acid and Benzoyl peroxide has never worked for me, Ive tried Proactive, Acne-Free, Clean %26amp; Clear, Laser Dermabrasion (this helped alot with my blackheads but not too much with my pimples), accutane pills (dont try this), and Neautrogrena, none of them work for my pimples! I went to my doctor and was recommended with clindamycin phospate 1% topical gel (for the daytime) and tretinoin .01% gel (for nighttime) and it worked really well! Try not to use pore strips or blackhead extracting tools, they can irritate your skin and cause redness. I also read in a seventeen magazine that pore strips can actually make your pores larger!|||i have the perfect solution for your blackheads! use the Biore deep cleasing pore strips! u can go to walmart and buy it! that stuff work GREAT! and for the pimples, i use acne-free and it works pretty good too! it like proactive but a lot cheaper! u can buy at walmart too! and if your acne really bad and want it to be gone! here want u should do.

1. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER! it is great for your skin!

2. dont eat junk food or chocolate

3. be active! do cardio workout or play a sport! anything that%26#039;ll make you SWEAT SWEAT SWEAT the acne out!

4. dont keep looking at your acne in the mirror, it not gonna change

5. last but not list, pray and ask the lord for help to your acne problem ( i hope you wont think i a freak for that :D)

if u keep this up for a few weeks, trust me you%26#039;ll see amazing result! i used to have zits all over my face but now my face is CLEAR after a month since i did those stuff!|||proactiv there is b-u-t-ful skin unda ya ance|||You%26#039;re most likely going to have to spend a little money, there%26#039;s a reason it costs more, they use nicer ingredients.

I%26#039;ve used Philosophy%26#039;s Purity Made Simple for about a year, now, and I haven%26#039;t had a single breakout. It%26#039;s frangrance and soap free.

As for blackheads, some products may claim to dissolve or get rid of them, but most are false. The key to reducing blackheads is good exfoliation, the type that%26#039;s best for you can be determined by what skin type you have.

Go to your local upscale department store and ask them to diagnose your skin. It%26#039;s by no means a professional opinion, and you won%26#039;t have to buy anything, but it%26#039;ll help you get an idea what kind of skincare routine you should have.

I%26#039;ve heard rave reviews for Bliss%26#039; Steep Clean, which claims to completely dissolve blackheads, but it%26#039;s $50 a tube, and might be a little harsh depending on your skin type|||Hi

I understand your problem. You can get rid of your acne very easily. I also suffered from acne and now I cleared my acne. I have given all the steps I have used to get rid of acne in my website.

Why don%26#039;t you see my website?


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