Friday, January 8, 2010

Is this a good skin acne treatment routine? (clean & clear kit)?

Is this Ok to do?

In the morning when i wake up i will use the Moisturizer once

and the spot treatment.

Then at night i will use the Cleaner, The moisturizer, and the spot treatment.

The reason i dont want to use the cleanser in the morning

because i heard you can only use it once every 24 hours.

so it this an ok routine?|||idk|||Sounds good! As long as it works for you.

BTW...tried it already and saw results in just a week! My skin reacted better to it than the infamous Pro-active!|||Depends on what type of acne u have and if your skin is oily or not, Anything with salicylic acid (about 1%) is really good for oily skin and skin.

But in general, sounds good.|||its a good routine. but Clean And Clear is very drying out for the skin. it is not a very good brand. i used it once and it worked for a while, then i got a gross dry skin rash that was all red and rough. i recommend you use dove products. they work wonders.|||Any cleanser you have to wait a certain amt of time to use may be too abrassive and eventually harmful for you rskin.

Im a skin analyst and depending on your acne type i can recommend you some products.

Its very important to know the reasons you are breaking out.

are you sleeping at least 7hrs? are you stressed? are you overdrying your skin (this tells your face to produce more oil than it actually needs causing breakouts)...

Also you should use a balancing system for sensitive skin. the one i use and recommend my clients with oily- combination skin is the Artistry Essentials Balancing. Its 100% botanical, no chemicals and ive had 100% improvement on all my clients that are using it twice daily.

Hope I helped =O)

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