Friday, January 8, 2010

Anyone know a good treatment for acne?

I%26#039;ve tried Clearisil and some other home remedies but nothing really works, and I was wondering if anyone has tried some medication or cream or hoe remedy that worked or worked for a friend or family member|||the only site that delves into the problem of acne, seriously without bias, and gives concrete results and mentions the best products to use is this one:

I would suggest that you order a product after reading it%26#039;s review so you decide if it is good for you or not.

I have had great results with the vitamin-rich product in this site, it is very low cost and gave me long lasting results, I wish I could show you how many pimples and the severity of my acne, now my skin is clear, wish you good luck in your endeavour.|||Have you tried Freederm yet? It%26#039;s a gel that you can use that helps acne. Freederm is available from retailers such as Boots (if you are in the UK).

Here%26#039;s some information on Freederm:

%26quot;For mild to moderate inflamed acne pimples and spots.

* New approach to acne treatment

* Clinically active vitamin B complex

* Effectively reduces inflammation

* Clinically proven

A cooling translucent, fragrance-free topical gel containing nicotinamide - a proven anti-inflammatory treatment for inflamed acne pimples and spots.%26quot;

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