Friday, January 8, 2010

Can over the counter acne treatments expire?

I have this pump bottle of Neutrogena Acne Wash. I haven%26#039;t used it in like 4 months. Is it still good to use? And in general, can acne treatment creams expire?|||Of course, they do. Every drug has an expiry date. Why don%26#039;t you look at the crimp. It should be there. And rather than trying OTC treatment, why don%26#039;t you go natural? I can only say this. Avoid food that is too spicy and oily. So, no french fries!!! And make it a point to change your pillow cover on a regular basis. And keep your towel clean. Use some disinfectant like Savlon while washing it. Use a good facewash suitable for your skin type and preferably a good astringent. Eat a lot of green veggies. The importance of eating fresh fruits and vegetables can never be overstated. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Cut down your intake of coffee and dairy products. Eat food that is rich in fiber, so that your bowel movements are regular. Eating a few bananas should help. Sleep on time. Have patience. You should see improvement in a few days. Wish you luck.|||well it says on a label for mine that it expired but i tried it and im fine. but i think yours will still be good so i say use it|||After the expiration date it might just not work as well or something. I%26#039;ve also heard of bacteria and stuff growing after it;s expired a while ago... after 4 months you should def be fine!|||I think they expire a year after you buy them.

I have some fash wash and says it expires in 2010.

So I think you are good. :]|||u have to read these amazing tips to prevent acne at first

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